What are the Natural Predators of Dust Mites?

Common predatory insects for mite pests include big-eyed bugs, brown lacewings, dusty wings, green lacewings, tiny pirate bugs, mosquito mites, ladybugs, the ladybug (ladybug) that destroys mites, the wandering mite beetle, and six-spotted thrips.

The predators of dust mites are other allergenic mites (Cheyletiella), silverfish, and pseudoscorpions.

The average life expectancy of a dust mite is about two to three months, during which time its natural predators are moths, spiders, ants and beetles. Although they may look like butterflies, moths actually belong to the order of nocturnal Lepidoptera, while dust mites are arthropods. Common house dust mites are preyed upon by predatory mites known as Cheyletus.

These are slightly larger dust mites that feed on house dust mites. Many people are uncomfortable with the fact that the only predator their dust mites have is another mite and that these larger mites can be vacuumed up easily, allowing house dust mites to thrive. Fortunately for most people, exposure to dust mites is harmless as only a small percentage of people have an allergic reaction. Dust mite allergy is a condition in which the body's immune system responds to dust mites as if it were an invading pathogen, such as a virus or bacteria. To reduce the dust mite population in your home and improve your sleep and breathing quality, there are some simple steps you can take.

Many people who think they are allergic to dust mites may actually be reacting to mold, dander (from pets), or other airborne irritants (e.g. For example, although they do not transmit diseases, dust mites can be a serious problem for allergy sufferers. The type and severity of this reaction will really depend on the person and their level of exposure, but there are some signs you may notice that are quite indicative of an allergy to dust mites. Since studies show that chemical agents for eliminating dust mites are no more effective than natural methods for reducing dust mite populations, diatomaceous earth is a safe and non-toxic alternative.

Contrary to popular belief, there is little link between feather bedding and an increase in dust mite problems. The ideal temperature for dust mites is between 75°F and 80°F with a relative humidity of between 70% and 80%. While some people don't experience any adverse effects from exposure to dust mites, others react more seriously. It's also worth keeping in mind that people who report dust mite allergy problems may experience mild adverse reactions to other substances in their environment such as mold, dander (from pets), toxins, paints, food or other household allergens.

House dust mite antigens are closely related to the development and severity of asthma; they are estimated to contribute to 60 to 90% of cases. House dust mites are so small that they can't be seen with the naked eye but it's not the actual mites themselves that cause allergies; rather it occurs when you inhale their feces. A wool comforter for the whole year combined with a wool down pillow that is kept well ventilated and replaced approximately every five years will have millions less mites than a standard synthetic comforter. While this doesn't eliminate dust mites from the environment it can help reduce levels in domestic spaces and at the same time minimize the inhalation of unwanted organisms by household inhabitants.

Brittany Kleck
Brittany Kleck

Typical food practitioner. General tv scholar. Hipster-friendly tea geek. General reader. Infuriatingly humble tv fanatic. Passionate zombie junkie.