What Happens When Dust Mites Invade Your Lungs?

Exposure to dust mite proteins can also trigger the release of free radicals in the lungs, known as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). These free radicals can damage DNA, lipids, and proteins, and can worsen an asthma attack. When you have allergies, your immune system identifies the allergen as harmful even if it isn't, and produces an inflammatory response in your nasal passages or lungs. Prolonged or regular exposure to the allergen can lead to chronic inflammation associated with asthma.

The effect of the powder will depend on where it settles. If it gets stuck in your nose, you may sneeze or blow your nose to get rid of it. If it reaches the respiratory tract, it could cause bronchitis. If the dust penetrates deep into the lungs, it could cause serious complications, such as the buildup of scar tissue.

If you experience symptoms of dust mite allergy regularly, especially if they affect your quality of life, see your healthcare provider. To reduce the number of dust mites in your home and control dust mite allergy, there are several steps you can take. People who have asthma, eczema, hay fever (allergic rhinitis), or a biological family history of atopy are more likely to develop a dust mite allergy. The resulting loss of intact respiratory epithelium exposes underlying tissues to dust mite proteins and other allergens, causing sensitization to these proteins.

We propose that asthma in patients sensitive to house dust mites may be due to the recurrent inhalation of live mites, which can live for some time in the pulmonary bronchioles. If dust mites are causing exacerbation of eczema symptoms, there are skin care regimens to prevent the skin from drying out too much and causing itching. Many people with dust mite allergies also have signs of asthma, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. The body tries to eliminate them by releasing histamine, which causes the symptoms of dust mite allergy.

Drops containing small amounts of dust mite allergens are placed on the skin, which is then gently pricked. It is necessary to carry out better tests to detect the presence of mites in the sputum and evaluate more modern antiacaricidal drugs in asthmatics sensitive to dust mites. To feed themselves, mites can intentionally excrete proteolytic enzymes, including Der p1, which increase epithelial excretion by releasing cells from the basement membrane. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, pet dander or dust mites.

If you have skin reactions, you may be referred for an allergy skin test to see if dust mites are the cause. If you're not sure if your symptoms are due to an allergy to dust mites or an illness, contact your healthcare provider. In addition to various forms of dust we'll discuss later on, allergies can be caused by house dust mites and cockroaches. Some signs and symptoms of dust mite allergy such as a runny nose or sneezing are similar to those of a common cold.

However, if left untreated for an extended period, more serious complications may arise.

Brittany Kleck
Brittany Kleck

Typical food practitioner. General tv scholar. Hipster-friendly tea geek. General reader. Infuriatingly humble tv fanatic. Passionate zombie junkie.